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Chen Qiti has become a pure Yang Daoism, but although the other universe, san huang Golden Symbol, is faster than Tianhuang Universe, I don’t know how many times it has passed for nearly hundreds of thousands of years, but it can still evolve into 36 heavenly symbols, the emperor’s golden symbol, Dihuang’s silver symbol and Ren Huang’s purple seal. Each symbol is 36 heavenly symbols, and if san huang Golden Symbol comes successfully, it can have three busy powers, but it can still evolve into a symbol that is forbidden by the gods first.

Chen Qi handed the idea to the other side of the universe, and now the san huang Taoist mind is slightly shocked and secretly feels that "if the other side of the universe is destroyed, although I am worried, I will fall. Although it is a two-in-one body, after all, it is not easy to get a Taoist method, and it is not easy to get it. If I lose the idea of differentiation in the other side of the universe, I am afraid that there will be many obstacles to the future testimony."
Chen Qishen has become a pure Yang Daoism. Although he can’t intervene in other cosmic affairs, he can pass over his own Taoist experience and various dharma formulas one by one. He can use the body of Taoist san huang to force Taoist san huang to calculate some cosmic affairs.
Road flyover san huang thought a little and got some insights. He secretly thought, "The universe of the other side has been completely destroyed and it is possible to repair it, but if I can prove that pure yang is immortal, I can delay the decline of the other side’s universe. According to the law of birth and death of heaven and earth, I am afraid that the other side’s universe should have an end-of-the-road and destroy the universe. I must first find ways to restrain the innate virtue of the end-of-the-road, and more importantly, find the prototype of the Five Emperors and Dragons. Many ways in this universe have declined,
With the physical support of Taoist san huang, we can grasp that the other side of the universe has collapsed to the extreme, and several bodhi old zu who are in the same way are reluctant to protect their disciples and retreat in their own Dojo, so the other side of the universe is deserted everywhere and can’t easily find creatures.
Road flyover san huang used the escape method. According to the Taiji diagram handed over by Chen Qi, the mana calculation indicated that it took seven years to fly to a chaotic place. The other side of the universe was close to collapse, and the stars and meters were dense and exhausted, but they could not form a mess, such as the four star palaces in the universe at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty or the nine star seas in the celestial phoenix universe. The last light and heat were blooming everywhere.
Although Taoist san huang’s magical power was sky-high, he didn’t know how to find other Daoism. Although Chen Qi handed me many Daoism, Chen Qishen didn’t know how to penance Taoist san huang’s key five emperors and dragons, and Taoist san huang’s innate virtue, so he didn’t make any achievements in other Daoism.
Road flyover san huang calculated according to Taiji diagram to make its own mana reach out gently, and then three phosgene rushed into this chaotic Xinghai to detain, and then several stars flew up in the hands of road flyover san huang to condense and evolve into a small array. This was Chen Qibai’s own mana support from Tianhuang Universe, but he could not be as good as himself. Therefore, this array was high, but it was created by a Taoist in the universe at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.
After these stars converge into this huge array, they gradually evolve into a disk to cooperate with the mana from the celestial universe. This time, there is much more sorrow and sorrow. The Taiyi Tiandun Yin and Yang Array is transformed into Taiyi Tiandun Yin and Yang Jian, which helps the san huang Taoist to calculate the energy, but it will rise in a few days. The san huang Taoist eyebrows can’t help but drink a "Here it is!"
Chapter six hundred and sixty-three Hulu universe
Dozens of bits of debris fly out together, and there are people and things, and stars are pregnant with nuclei. These things are all crushed by Taoist san huang, and his mana perfusion has evolved into a volume of days. The cover words of this volume of days seem to be changing all the time. It took Taoist san huang dozens of days before and after the deduction, and gradually evolved this volume of days into a rough prototype.
Road flyover san huang has reached the peak of Daoism, but it is impossible to nurture Shengde in this way.
He sighed slightly and secretly thought, "If this side of the universe can be born with a holy virtue, it can restrain the fate at the end. If I don’t have the time and ability to finish the evolution of the holy virtue, I can barely delay the decline of the other side of the universe. I still have to hurry to find the five emperors and dragons. I don’t know if the other side of the universe was not bred hundreds of millions of years ago or whether the five emperors and dragons have long since left this universe. Now there must be a star in the other side of the universe that is re-bred. This treasure is that the other side of the universe is close to collapse and bred the five emperors and dragons." Knowing how to hide in the place and other things involving pure Yang series can’t be calculated unless I find a legal person to repair the Five Emperors Road and let him feel the fate of the Five Emperors. "
Chen Qilai doesn’t understand the Five Emperors’ Long Zan Daoism, just as Taoist san huang can’t know that this innate Five Emperors and Three Emperors are not creatures practicing Daoism. It is a coincidence that Chen Qilai and Taoist san huang have their own achievements. Now it is really difficult to find and practice the Five Emperors’ Long Zan Daoism.
Road flyover san huang deduces the method of holy virtue, and at the same time pushes Taiyi Heaven to escape from Yin and Yang to smash the stars, which will all be swallowed up and evolved. This large array of power, Chen Qi Tai Chi map and san huang Road flyover Taiyi Heaven to escape from Yin and Yang array, can not find the true way of holy virtue, and the evolution day of san huang Road flyover is not Heluo Day.
Just when road flyover san huang and Chen Qiti were at a loss, a strange idea suddenly came from another universe. The idea that Chen Qiwas stolen by Qiao Kui suddenly gave birth to an induction to connect with the idea of burning the universe one day and the universe the other.
Chen Qi saw a strange sight with a slight shock.
The part of the idea stolen by Qiao Ben was first borrowed by Qiao Ben to take charge of the four doors-then knocked down to the next level to take charge of the five mirrors-because it was not a temporary charge, so when Qiao Ben evolved into the prototype of the four doors and five mirrors, he was ordered to take over the cultivation of the pure yang magic weapon of the five emperors and dragons, which was divided into the gourd universe created by Qiao Ben, but this part of the mind and body cultivation was the top ten killing methods the day after tomorrow, although many coolies were done.
Chen Qi didn’t expect that Qiao Ben had actually laid this powerful chess. After sensing the Five Emperors Road in the gourd universe, the thief immediately deduced the Road and handed it to the Taoist san huang in san huang. The person of the Taoist also showed san huang’s golden symbol. The Fu Fu flew outside san huang’s golden symbol and gradually condensed into a small Five Emperors Dragon Fan. Although the mana of the Five Emperors Dragon Fan was still weak, it got the root of the road.
Chen Qi was overjoyed, and three thoughts gathered together to detain and urge the five emperors and dragons to melt into the san huang Taoist Road. The human body has also become a part of the magic of san huang Taoist Road. Although san huang Taoist Road knows a lot about Taoist Road, it is necessary to make a breakthrough in the cultivation of san huang Jin Fu as soon as possible, so it is pure and different from Chen Qi. Although they all know and practice the five emperors and dragons, they have a strange change. First of all, Emperor Jin Wensheng has made a breakthrough in thirty-six days.
As soon as san huang Taoist talents broke through the pure Yang series, they turned their minds to cultivate the five emperors and dragons.
It’s only a few thousand years since the Heaven burned the universe here, and almost a million years have passed since the other side of the universe. Taoist san huang has also made continuous breakthroughs in practicing the Five Emperors and Dragons. Secondly, Taoist san huang has constantly handed in the evolution of the Five Emperors and Dragons. Although the gourd universe has recently opened four doors, five mirrors, three emperors and five emperors are all in its embryonic form, there are still many years before the birth of the pure Yang magic weapon, but this experience is extremely precious. However, Taoist has hardly encountered any obstacles when practicing the Five Emperors and Dragons.
Chen Qi closed his efforts to support the other side of the universe, Taoist san huang. In the past thousands of years, the universe has gradually become a pure Yang Daoism, and there are seven magic weapons of pure Yang, which have become the true Sect of the nine caves in the climate. Because of the petty thief, this pure Yang bodhi old zu has gradually become the top Sect of the Xinghai, and the white god owl and the Lijiang Sword Sect have been added repeatedly, and the true disciples of the nine caves have gradually condensed out a lot of loyalty. Even those brothers who were forcibly included have gradually agreed with this family.
At this time, there were two true sects who did not belong to the Nine Cave. They were originally brought out from the Seven Burning Boundaries, and the Buddhist brothers suddenly had an adventure.
Chen Qi’s population, which was brought out from the Seven Burning Boundaries, was scattered in several stars by him. It was kind of him to place the original rebel goods one by one according to the different forces of the original countries in the Middle East and the Western Regions. Fortunately, he was able to monopolize a star and never worry about being encircled by others. In the Seven Burning Boundaries, Buddhism has gradually become famous, and because of Chen Qi’s special care, he monopolized a star. Many Buddhist brothers and believers have also been placed here by Chen Qi ‘an. In the past few thousand years, Buddhism has occupied this star, especially. There are many great Buddhists who can feel a beautiful country in Nirvana, and the world is dancing in the center, so it is natural for a Buddhist protector to come to the country, which has strengthened the will of many Buddhists.
When Chen Qi’s two good friends, Xu Li and Ying Ying, relied on their extraordinary talents to become Buddhist leaders in the Seven Burning World, they later realized the true meaning of Buddhism in the ancient gold thallium of Yuan Dynasty, and truly understood the meaning of the seven volumes of Buddhist scriptures. Soon, they each cultivated to the ninth level of Buddhist knowledge.
Xu carp and Ying Ying’s mana, together with the occasional ability to sense the vast Buddha’s power in the world of Yuangu gold and thallium and attract blessings, have long been close to the point of casting a golden body. One day, when they were in a dive, they suddenly sensed a certain fate and gave birth to induction and summoned two dragons and phoenixes.
Chapter six hundred and sixty-four Vajrayana
Over the years, many people have succeeded in spreading the dragon and phoenix charm in Chen Qi’s life, and they have become more and more brilliant in the practice path with their growing fortune.
Xu Li and Ying Ying were friends with Chen Qi, but then they broke up, and Chen Qi never met these two friends again. He was in charge of the Nine Cave School, which was naturally unknown among the core brothers, but in the eyes of others, Chen Qi still appeared mysterious, and Xu Li and Ying Ying naturally didn’t know that their place was actually the Dojo created by their boyhood friends.
When they were in the Yuan, Gu, Jin, thallium world, they realized Buddhism by taking care of Chen Qi, but they still got many benefits. However, they still didn’t know that Chen Qi was the real master of Buddhism in the Nine Cave, so they didn’t pay much attention to external forces, and it didn’t matter if they realized it at that moment, they would become a Buddha, and they would get a dragon, phoenix, and luck. Together with Xu Carp, they almost condensed a hundred small magical powers and intertwined them to cast the Buddha’s golden body.
Ying Ying realized that the first kind of magical power was the printing method of the heavens and the earth, so casting the Buddha’s golden body was the Buddha’s 40 buddhas. In the Buddha’s middle, King Kong glass Buddha specialized in fighting. Xu Li’s mind was alive and kicking, but casting the golden body was the Buddha’s 40 buddhas. seven buddha, a thousand illusions and many treasures, the Buddha’s master lived in the bitter sea, and the stars and the light were shrouded. It seemed that the whole stars were celebrating the birth of the two buddhas.
At this moment, a traction force is separated from each of the two worlds to invoke the two people’s soaring. One is the power that extends from the Proterozoic gold thallium world, and the other is from another Buddha world.